Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction causes embarrassment in a man and a woman’s dissatisfaction. It reduces mutual attraction, and worsens the stronger sex’s emotional background. But medicine makes progress. Medicines improve potency, enhance male libido, and increase the duration of intercourse.
Sexual consistency is very unpleasant for a man because a male erection is a necessary condition for successful intercourse. It is also considered a confirmation of his masculinity. Decreased potency can be associated with physical disorders. These are heart disease, liver disease, diabetes. In many cases, erection problems arise from a complicated relationship with a partner or personality complexes. In any case, do not be upset, as you can buy generics pharmacy online for correcting potency. And if the original drugs (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra) are of high cost, their counterparts are available for any man.
What is the difference between the original drug and the analog? Many people mistakenly believe that an analog (generic) is an inexpensive counterfeit of a branded drug. This is a myth. A generic is the same original drug, but not released by a developer company. The third-party company also specializes in pharmaceuticals production. In fact, both the generic (substitute) and the original drug have an identical formula and have the same properties.