Most frequently, men call the failures in the sexual sphere “impotence”. However, that is not quite right, as the doctors don’t use the word “impotence”, now.
The National Institute of Public Health of the USA proposed the term “erectile dysfunction” instead of “impotence”. In 1992, it was adopted by the international organizations of urologists and andrologists. In a broad sense, erectile dysfunction includes not only the inability to maintain the state of erection, but also the orgasm dysfunctions and weakened libido.
It is expected that with time this number is growing, and over the next 25 years it can double, which is caused by the distribution of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and general ageing of the population in developed countries.
It is believed that erectile dysfunction is the fate of the older men. However, sometimes the young and adult men also have sexual problems. The main reasons of that are overwork, somatic diseases and psychological problems. In this case, you shouldn’t be ashamed of consulting a doctor.
There is an effective and popular medicine for the above-mentioned disease. In its time, its’ market entry became a true revolution. The life of many people have changed for the better. Even the suicide rates dropped drastically (and not only in the men).
We are talking about Viagra.
The working principle of Viagra is psychologically right. Unlike penis injections, the “wonder pill” will cause spontaneous erection. Viagra starts acting only when the men gets aroused. Thus, everything happens at the right moment and in the natural way.
Today, many people consider Viagra not just as a medicine, but also as a way to get more pleasure out of life. Therefore, more and more young people who are going to try Viagra are asking: how it affects a healthy body. Such men has no sexual problems, but just want to slightly change their sexual life.
It is often said that Viagra can turn a regular guy into a sex god who can satisfy the crowds of starving girls. Such rumours are really exaggerated. All the experts of Pfizer Company that have gave Viagra to the world claim that this drug cures impotence, and not increase sexuality in healthy people.
If you have really felt a miracle effect after taking the drug, maybe, it’s about the psychological factor, i.e. auto-suggestion. As for the physiology, we know one thing: Sildenafil, to some extent, promotes faster recovery after the orgasm.
Every man has a so-called “refractory period”. Within this time frame, starting after the orgasm, the man can’t achieve erection. The duration of refractory period can be different. It depends on the man’s age, character and some other factors.
So, Viagra can help a healthy person to recover faster for the next sexual act.
It’s up to you to decide if this is a good enough reason for taking the drug. Anyway, there is no reliable data confirming that Viagra is bad for healthy people.
However, many men do it repeatedly. Thanks to this research, even a perfectly healthy man can buy the generic of Viagra.