Any changes in the functioning of sexual organs disturb women. In most cases, sticky discharge is normal, but there are exceptions, indicating the diseases. In this article, you will find out how to distinguish a natural process from the pathology. Sticky discharge without smell in women: white, transparent and bloody.
Characteristic of sticky discharge and its causes
Vaginal discharge is present throughout the reproductive age. It appears one year before the first period (menarche), and accompany the women until the menopause. This mucous secretion can be produced by the glands of uterus and vagina. Normal mucus contains:
- Waste products of cervical, Bartholin’s and other glands.
- Dead and exfoliated epithelial cells of genitals.
- Microorganisms, living in the vaginal microflora. The vast majority of them are useful lactic acid bacteria, but there are also opportunistic ones (bacteroids, fungus, enterobacteria and streptococcus).
Nature of vaginal secretion can be: liquid, dense, watery, jelly-like, sticky or viscous. It depends on certain physiological state or period of the menstrual cycle.
Reasons for sticky discharge in women are as follows: age, lifestyle, state of the endocrine system, hormonal background, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, perimenopause, and sexual arousal, the body’s reaction to contraceptives, allergy and improper hygiene. If these factors caused viscous discharge, it will probably be odorless.
Such secretion can be sticky, viscous, nozzle-like, dense or watery. It can have transparent, whitish, yellowish and even greenish color. These are the normal signs, if they aren’t accompanied by unpleasant smell, itching, burning, frequent urination, pain and cramps in the lower abdomen. Otherwise, these are the symptoms of gynecological or urological problem.
Link to the menstrual cycle
Course of menstrual cycle is affected by hormonal fluctuations. Concentration of these substances constantly changes.
During the cycle, pituitary stimulates the active work of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), responsible for the production of estrogen. At the beginning of menstruation, it is low. As it grows, uterine mucosa is saturated fills up with oxygen, blood and nutrients. In this way, the body monthly prepares for a possible pregnancy.
Estrogen is responsible for the production of cervical mucus, which is a positive environment for sperm. Very sticky vaginal discharge appears before the favorable days for conception (approximately in the middle of the cycle). Then you can observe more liquid consistency of secretion, which indicates the onset of ovulatory period.
Then comes the ovulation. It is characterized by liquid and viscous sticky secretion, which may be brown or contain the red blood streaks. The whole ovulatory period lasts 3-5 days, and the ovulation itself— up to two days. At this stage, the concentration of luteinizing hormone and estrogen, which gives stickiness and abundance to the secretion, is especially high.
In the second half of the cycle, the progesterone prevails, which dilutes mucus and decreases its amount.
Hormonal drugs
Often, the precondition for odorless sticky discharge in women (not related to ovulation) are HRT drugs or hormonal contraceptives. If they stimulate the activity of the estrogen, secretion becomes viscous, and mucous discharge in women may stretch like snot. They must be odorless, transparent or white and have a uniform consistency.
Sticky discharge during pregnancy
The period of greatest fertility falls on the middle of the cycle and is characterized by the presence of viscous discharge from the vagina, favorable for the survival and transportation of male seed. If you managed to get pregnant at this moment, the body of expectant mother undergoes emergency hormonal reorganization, which is also manifested by sticky mucous secretion.
On the first day after conception, it may have a bloody nature. This is a reaction of the uterus to the implementation of the fertilized egg. Bleeding should last no more than 1–2 days.
Viscous secretion in women is inherent in the first trimester. In the second trimester, it becomes more liquid. In the third, such phenomenon is acceptable only before childbirth. Abundant discharge in the form of sticky mucous plug indicates the beginning of generic activity.
If pregnant women feel the nagging pain in the lower abdomen and observe dense red secretion, it means the risk of miscarriage, and in the last month — the beginning of childbirth.
During and after sex
During sexual intercourse, the amount of mucous discharge increases several times. This comes at the expense of arousal, and consequently, increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs and intensive stimulation of sex glands. Such lubricant is sticky (it can be stretched between the fingers) and odorless. It serves as a natural lubricant for vagina, facilitating the penetration and excluding the friction during sexual contact. It also contains various substances performing the barrier and protective function.
Sometimes, due to the hormonal imbalance (often during climax), sticky lubricant is not released, which makes the partners feel uncomfortable. In this case, you should see a specialist to correct hormone levels and get the moisturizers.
Sexual act can be followed by small amount of sticky yellow discharge. In this way, vagina excretes the secretion with the penetrated male sperm. Such discharge is similar to the egg white and smells of sperm.
Allergic reactions
Sensitivity of vaginal microflora often leads to the allergic reactions to contraceptives (especially condoms) with dyes and fragrances, medications, synthetic underwear and means of intimate hygiene. This can be a reaction of your body to the incorrect lifestyle, stress, bad habits, spicy and fatty foods, and preservatives. Mainly, the symptom disappears after the removal of irritant.
Sticky whites without smell
Frequently, mucous secretion can obtain the nature of whites. Sticky white discharge without smell and unpleasant feelings are acceptable:
- A week before period and after it.
- If you use vaginal suppositories.
- During and after sex.
- In case of possible pregnancy.
- Change of the hormonal background.
If the whites have a non-uniform consistency, pungent smell and cause discomfort, one can speak of disorder. You should visit a gynecologist to diagnose the disease or define the pathology and get the proper treatment.
Pathological discharge
Sometimes, viscous secretion without smell in women also points to the pathological process.
- Odorless sticky spotting often indicates cervical erosion. It is asymptomatic, and the only symptom may be such secretion.
- Opportunistic pathogens are present even in the vaginal flora of a healthy woman. Their predominance leads to the emergence of fungal diseases or bacterial vaginosis. Often, these diseases are caused by unhygienic personal behavior, inflammatory process, major physical effort, frequent stress and wearing the synthetic panties. It is felt that this is a sexually transmitted disease, although to date there is no scientific evidence for this. The illnesses are accompanied by burning, vaginal itching and unpleasant smell of rotten fish. Sometimes, the discharge smells of garlic, onion or sour curd. The latter option of smell is characteristic for candidiasis, commonly known as “thrush”). It is based on Candida, also residing (in small amount) in the natural microflora of the vagina. The disease is characterized by white or yellow viscous secretion.
- Foamy sticky secretion is caused by Trichomonas. It is accompanied by pungent smell, burning and discomfort during urination.
keep in mind that the symptoms described are characteristic for many SEXUAL INFECTIONs. Therefore, only the doctor can define their type by taking a smear and other TESTS.
Viscosity of secreted mucus can be caused by the diseases not related to the reproductive system. Disorders of endocrine, cardiovascular and digestive system affect the characteristics of vaginal fluid.
Prevention and treatment
Upon detection of such symptom, which may not be explained by a common physiological condition, you should get tested.
In case of bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis, it is advisable to use the local remedies, such as suppositories or creams. They have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect and restore vaginal biocenosis. Modern suppositories allow to get rid of fungal diseases and vaginosis for one course of treatment. However, it is not always possible to treat the infections with generic drugs. Most of them can be destroyed only by strong antibiotics in combination with the other medical actions. Sticky discharge without smell in women.
To prevent the sticky secretion from growing into the pathological discharge, inherent in women’s diseases, you should follow simple prevention rules:
- Give preference to a healthy lifestyle.
- Eat right.
- Use special means of intimate hygiene.
- Wash up several times a day.
- Use protection if you don’t have a permanent sexual partner.
- Don’t wear synthetic underwear.
- Visit your gynecologist regularly.
In summary
Female sexual organs can produce different secretion. It is often represented by sticky mucous discharge. This is a normal phenomenon, explained by certain physiological state, unless it is accompanied by foreign smell, itching and burning. If there are additional symptoms, you should consult a doctor.